I’m a writer

Hi, I’m Dante. First off, My Introduction: I’m a passionate teenager writer, which is hard to find these days, I’ve been reading books a lot, I love it and whenever I’m really obsessed with a character of any book. For example, Harry Potter. He uses his wand to deceive things. I’d do the same, but with a stick and wander off just saying the spells. Only so to tell any story of any character to my friends because they’re not much of readers. I don’t know if they’re not fascinated by it so I tell them these stories by myself. I started reading in a very young age, 9, But I never knew if i could write my own stories until one of my these friends told me that I could actually put my story telling into words that could fascinate a few more. So I have wrote a few and look forward to sharing them if somehow anyone is interested.

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